Chien-Hua Huang
近年來參與國內外各項主要展出包括《2005高雄獎》於高雄市立美術館、《INDEPENDANT@RICE+》於東京(日本,2005)、《城市曼波》於雪梨Stone Villa(澳洲,2006)、《第二種視野》於國立台灣美術館(台中,2008)、《永恆的成人遊戲工廠》於關渡美術館(台北,2008)、《粉樂町當代藝術展》(台北富邦藝術基金會,2008)、《2009YOUNG ART TAIPEI–台北國際當代藝術博覽會》及《輕度》於國立台灣美術館數位藝術方舟(台中,2009)。並於2008年於日本岐阜文化中心舉辦個展《我不乖》。主要獲獎紀錄為2003年台北美術獎優選、2005年高雄美術獎首獎、2008年國家文化藝術基金會國際交流補助。作品並獲高雄市立美術館、國立台灣美術館等典藏。
Huang Chien-Hua received his BFA in 2003 from National Taiwan University of Arts, Department of Sculpture, and MFA in 2006 from Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts at Tainan National University of the Arts. During the time in Tainan, his work shifted towards image making. Huang conveys his view on time and space with contemporary digital photography. Currently he is a PhD candidate at the Tainan National University of the Arts, Department of Art Creation and Theory, continuing his investigation on the identity of human existence in an image driven age.
Huang’s group exhibitions include the 2005 “Kaohsiung Awards”, 2005 “Independent@Rice+” in Tokyo, 2006 “City Mambo – International Exchange Exhibition of SLY Art vs. Stone Villa” in Sidney, 2008 “Second Vision at the National Taiwan Museum of fine Arts” in Taichung, 2008 “Eternal Adventureland” at Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, 2008 “Very Fun Park” by Fubon Art Foundation, 2009 “Young Art Taipei”, and 2009 “Light Position” at the Digiark of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. In 2008 Huang had a solo show “I don’t follow the rules” at Gifu City Culture Center, Japan. He was Honorable Mention in the 2003 Taipei Arts Award, the recipient of the 2005 Kaohsiung Awards, and received the National Cultural and Arts Foundation’s International Culture Exchange Grant in 2008. His works are in the collection of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
In regard to contemporaneity, Huang Chien-Hua commented: “We are drifting in a paradoxical world. We find pleasure in it, but we lost our ability to discern.” He has extensively observed the liminoid phenomena through signage, word play, and representation in the media era; with experiences existing in a digital age and shifting perspectives, Huang relates to the world’s wisdom in the most intimate and direct way, and tells a disorderly yet delightful parable of human nature.
近年來參與國內外各項主要展出包括《2005高雄獎》於高雄市立美術館、《INDEPENDANT@RICE+》於東京(日本,2005)、《城市曼波》於雪梨Stone Villa(澳洲,2006)、《第二種視野》於國立台灣美術館(台中,2008)、《永恆的成人遊戲工廠》於關渡美術館(台北,2008)、《粉樂町當代藝術展》(台北富邦藝術基金會,2008)、《2009YOUNG ART TAIPEI–台北國際當代藝術博覽會》及《輕度》於國立台灣美術館數位藝術方舟(台中,2009)。並於2008年於日本岐阜文化中心舉辦個展《我不乖》。主要獲獎紀錄為2003年台北美術獎優選、2005年高雄美術獎首獎、2008年國家文化藝術基金會國際交流補助。作品並獲高雄市立美術館、國立台灣美術館等典藏。
Huang Chien-Hua received his BFA in 2003 from National Taiwan University of Arts, Department of Sculpture, and MFA in 2006 from Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts at Tainan National University of the Arts. During the time in Tainan, his work shifted towards image making. Huang conveys his view on time and space with contemporary digital photography. Currently he is a PhD candidate at the Tainan National University of the Arts, Department of Art Creation and Theory, continuing his investigation on the identity of human existence in an image driven age.
Huang’s group exhibitions include the 2005 “Kaohsiung Awards”, 2005 “Independent@Rice+” in Tokyo, 2006 “City Mambo – International Exchange Exhibition of SLY Art vs. Stone Villa” in Sidney, 2008 “Second Vision at the National Taiwan Museum of fine Arts” in Taichung, 2008 “Eternal Adventureland” at Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, 2008 “Very Fun Park” by Fubon Art Foundation, 2009 “Young Art Taipei”, and 2009 “Light Position” at the Digiark of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. In 2008 Huang had a solo show “I don’t follow the rules” at Gifu City Culture Center, Japan. He was Honorable Mention in the 2003 Taipei Arts Award, the recipient of the 2005 Kaohsiung Awards, and received the National Cultural and Arts Foundation’s International Culture Exchange Grant in 2008. His works are in the collection of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
In regard to contemporaneity, Huang Chien-Hua commented: “We are drifting in a paradoxical world. We find pleasure in it, but we lost our ability to discern.” He has extensively observed the liminoid phenomena through signage, word play, and representation in the media era; with experiences existing in a digital age and shifting perspectives, Huang relates to the world’s wisdom in the most intimate and direct way, and tells a disorderly yet delightful parable of human nature.
2015 國立台南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所 博士候選人 2012 國立台灣美術館「台灣報到-台灣美術雙年展」參展藝術家。 2011 台南藝術大學出訪北京中央美術學院交流藝術家 2010 台北國際藝術村出訪亞洲紐西蘭基金會駐村藝術家 2008 國立台南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所博士班 2006 國立台南藝術大學造形藝術研究所畢業 2005 高雄市立美術館永久免審查藝術家 2004 文建會鐵道藝術網路-台中二十號倉庫第五屆駐站藝術家 2003 國立台灣藝術大學雕塑學系畢業 主要個展 2016 《編碼者》,INART SPACE,台南,台灣。 2012 《雜碎寓言》,INART SPACE,台南,台灣。 2010 《空景》,奧克蘭UNITEC大學,奧克蘭,紐西蘭。 2008 《我不乖》,岐阜文化中心,日本。 2006 《走獸》,自強貳捌肆,台北,台灣。 2004 《片段城》,新樂園藝術空間,台北,台灣。 主要聯展 2016 《Fotofever – Photography Art Fair》,Carrousel du Louvre,巴黎,法國。 《連州國際攝影年展》,廣東,中國。 《島嶼詩學》,屏東美術館,屏東,台灣。 《時代的位移》,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣。 《彼得潘去哪兒》,藝術銀行,台中,台灣。 2015 《台北國際藝術博覽會》,台北世界貿易中心,台北,台灣。 《夢・棲地 – 館藏青年藝術主題展》,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣。 《The Manipulation》,Okinawa Contemporary Art Center,沖繩,日本。 《新・品・味 》,藝術銀行,台中,台灣。 《自形車》,弔詭畫廊,高雄,台灣。 2014 《台北國際藝術博覽會》,台北世界貿易中心,台北,台灣。 《日本台灣新世代藝術家交流展》,Artislong Gallery,京都,日本。 2013 《動漫美學雙年展》,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣。 《台北國際藝術博覽會》,台北世界貿易中心,台北,台灣。 《我們都是蒙娜麗莎 當代篇: 蒙娜麗莎MIT》,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台 灣。 2012 《台灣報到-2012台灣美術雙年展》,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣。 《釜山藝術博覽會》,Bexco New Exhibition Hill,釜山,韓國。 《文化鏡像-台灣沖繩藝術家的生活刻痕》,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台 灣。 2011 《亞洲生活手勢 - DELTA》,國立台南藝術大學,台南,台灣。 《AIR 10X10》,台北國際藝術村,台北,台灣。 《身體相-黃建樺X黃博志 聯展》,靜宜大學藝術中心,台中,台灣。 2010 《台灣數位藝術脈流計畫–脈波壹「身體‧性別‧科技」,數位藝術中心,台 北, 台灣。 《近身潛獵》,國立台南藝術大學,台南,台灣。 《Going Green》,Queens Botanical Graden,紐約費城等地,美國。 《混炒黑潮》,沖繩藝術大學藝術中心,沖繩,日本。 《台灣當代藝術展》,慶南道立美術館,韓國。 2009 《邂逅の風》,Camp Talugani 美術館,日本。 《輕度》,國立台灣美術館數位藝術方舟,台中,台灣。 2008 《聽雨的聲音》,Camp Talugani Artistic Form,日本。 《永恆的成人遊戲工廠》,關渡美術館,台北,台灣。 《第二種視野》,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣。 2007 《卯月吹來的風》,Camp Talugani Artistic Form,日本。 2006 《城市曼波-台北新樂園‧雪梨Stone Villa交流展》,雪梨,澳洲。 《俳句》,那霸市民Gallery,沖繩,日本。 2005 《INDEPENDANT@RICE+》,東京RICE+,東京,日本。 《2005高雄美術獎》,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣。 2004 《還原模式Ⅷ 現場狀態之能為測量》空間.滲透與介面建構,朱銘美術館, 台北,台灣。 2003 《2003台北美術獎》,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣。 獲獎 2012 獲選國立台灣美術館Yes, Taiwan! 2012 Taiwan Biennial「台灣報到-台灣美 術雙年展」參展藝術家。 2011 獲選台南藝術大學「DELTA亞州生活手勢」出訪北京中央美術學院交流藝 術家。 2010 獲選出訪亞洲紐西蘭基金會Asia New Zealand Foundation藝術家駐村劃, 台北國際藝術村。 2005 高雄美術獎,首獎。 2003 台北美術獎,優選。 典藏 2014 國立台灣美術館,台灣。 2014 文化部藝術銀行,台灣。 2013 高雄市立美術館,台灣。 2013 國立台灣美術館,台灣。 2013 文化部藝術銀行,台灣。 2012 白兔美術館,澳洲。 2011 台北國際藝術村,台灣。 2008 國立台灣美術館,台灣。 2005 高雄市立美術館,台灣。 |
Biography 2015 Ph.D. Candidate. Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory,Taina National University of the Arts, Taiwan. 2012 Artist, Yes,Taiwan-Taiwan Biennial, , National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan. 2011 Exchange Artist of Tainan National University of the Art vs. China Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, China. 2010 Residency artist, Asia New Zealand Foundation, New Zealand. 2008.9 Studying at the Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan. 2006 M.F.A., Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan. 2005 The artist with permanent exemption from censorship of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, Taiwan. 2004 Art Network of Railway Warehouse—The 5th residence artist of Stock 20, Taiwan. 2003 B.F.A., Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts,Taiwan. Selected Solo Exhibitions 2016 Transcoder, INART Space, Tainan, Taiwan. 2012 Trivial Fables, INART Space, Tainan, Taiwan. 2010 BLANKSCAPE, UNITEC university, New Zealand. 2008 I don’t follow the rules, Gifu City Culture Center, Janpan. 2006 Beasts, TC284, Taipei, Taiwan. 2004 Locus, Shin Len Yuan Arts Space, Taipei, Taiwan. 2003 The From and Structure of Stone, Nation Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan. Selected Group Exhibitions 2016 FOTOFEVER–Photography Art Fair, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France. 2016 Lianzhoufoto Fastival, Guangdong, China. 2016 The Poetics of Islands, Pingtung Art Museum, Taiwan. 2016 Transition of Times, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2016 Erplore the Life, Art bank, Taichung, Taiwan. 2015 Dreams - Habitations, , National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan. 2015 ART TAIPEI 2015, Taipei World Trade Center Hall, Taipei, Taiwan. 2015 The Manipulator, Okinawa Contemporary Art Center, Okinawa, Japan. 2015 Art / Branding /Taste, Art bank, Taichung, Taiwan. 2014 The 2nd International Young Artists Exchange Exhibition JAPANxTAIWAN, Artislong Gallery, Kyoto, Japan. 2014 ART TAIPEI 2014, Taipei World Trade Center Hall, Taipei, Taiwan. 2013 Animamix Biennale 2013-14, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2013 ART TAIPEI 2013, Taipei World Trade Center Hall, Taipei, Taiwan. 2013 Mona Lisa Made in Taiwan, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2012 Yes,Taiwan-Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan. 2012 Artshow Busan 2012, Bexco New Exhibition Hall, Korean. 2012 Mirrior Images of Culture- Life Traces of Taiwanese and Okinawan Artists, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung,Taiwan. 2011 Very Fun Park 2011, Fubon Art Foundation, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2011 The Living Gesture in Asia, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan. 2011 AIR 10x10, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan. 2011 Figure of Illusion, Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan. 2011 Modes of Body, Art Center of Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan. 2011 YOUNG ART TAIPEI3, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. 2011 Green Adventure, Tada Center, Taichung, Taiwan. 2010 Taiwan Digital Art Pulse Stream Plan:The First Phase-「Body, Gender, Technology」Digital Art Exhibition, Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan. 2010 Self-Stalker, Tainan National University of the Art, Tainan, Taiwan. 2010 Going Green, Queens Botanical Garden, New York, USA. 2010 KUROSHIO TYANPURU, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, Japan. 2010 YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, Taipei, Japan. 2010 Contemporary Art in Taiwan, Gyeongnam Art Museum, Korean. 2010 Mingling The Palace Museum – Post-Motherland Sentiments, Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan. 2009 PHOTO TAIPEI, The Westin Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan. 2009 Cross Breeze, Camp Talugani Artistic Form, Japan. 2009 Light Position, Digiark of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan. 2009 YOUNG ART TAIPEI, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. 2008 Local Viewpoint, Bamboo Curtain Studio, Tiapei, Taiwan. 2008 2008 Very Fun Park, Fubon Art Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan. 2008 Art Trash, Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan. 2008 Eternal Adventureland, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan. 2008 Second Vision, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 2008 GAZE & GLANCE, Tainan Soka Art Center, Tainan, Taiwan. 2007 Camp Talugani Artistic Form, Japan. 2006 City Mambo—International Exchange Exhibition of SLK Art vs. Stone Villa, Sydney, Australia. 2006 Haiku Image Sculptures, Okinawa, Japan. 2005 art Taiwan—ARTIST FAIR, Chinese Culture and Movie Center, Taipei, Taiwan. 2005 Mirage, Grass Mountain Chateau, Taipei, Taiwan. 2005 INDEPENDANT@RICE+, Rice+, Tokyo, Japan. 2005 Kaohsiung Award, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2004 Get PatternⅧ, Juming Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. 2004 Steel Construction—Get PatternⅦ, Arts Site of Chia-Yi Railway Warehouse, Chia-Yi, Taiwan. 2004 Hua-Shan Round Table—The 3rd Artist Fair, Hua-Shan Cultural and Creative Industry Center, Taipei, Taiwan. 2003 Exhibitionist—the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts 8th Group Show, Tainan National Collage of the Arts, Tainan , Taiwan. 2003 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. Awards & Honors 2012 Participating Artists.Yes, Taiwan-Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. 2010 Residency artist, 2010 Internation Residence project for Asia New Zealand Foundation, Taipei Artist Village. 2008 National Cultural and Arts Foundation 2008-2 Fellowship for International Exchange. 2005 First Prize, Kaohsiung Awards 2005. 2004 Bronze Prize, The 58th Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition. 2003 Honorable Mention, Taipei Arts Award. Public Collection 2012 White Rabbit Gallery, Australia. 2011 Taipei Artist Village, Taiwan. 2008 Galerie Pierre, Taiwan. 2008 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan. 2005 Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan. |