【加力畫廊 InART Space】
當代藝術 / 文化講堂 / 畫作修復
在這個同時擁有府城歷史和現代文化脈動的節點上,加力畫廊聆聽整個城市的心跳,悉心經營當代藝術與現代藝術 。
InART Space, hidden in a historic alley in Tainan, has immersed itself exclusively in contemporary and modern art since 2007.Inart Space is renovated from a historical building and it combines the past and the present by retaining architectural features and embracing modern aesthetics.Inart Space has reached beyond Asia and received international acclaim. Its represented artists have achieved great success in western world with first-rated academic reviews and whose works are in collection by globally renowned museums.