Jui-Chung Yao
1969年生於台灣台北,1994年國立藝術學院 (國立台北藝術大學)美術系畢業,曾代表台灣參加1997年威尼斯雙年展、2005年橫濱三年展、2009年亞太三年展、2010年台北雙年展聯動計劃、2012上海雙年展、2013年北京攝影雙展、首屆「集群藝術獎」得主,2014年深圳國際雕塑雙年展、威尼斯建築雙年展、首爾國際媒體藝術雙年展、英國曼徹斯特亞洲藝術三年展,2014年入圍新加坡「亞太藝術獎」。1992年曾擔任天打那實驗體團長、1994年楊德昌電影美術指導、2006-2009年非常廟藝文空間執行長等工作。
專長為攝影、裝置及繪畫,其作品涉獵層面廣泛,主要探討人類一種荒謬處境,其代表作品包括探討台灣主體性問題的《本土佔領行動》(1994)、顛覆中國近代史政治神話的《反攻大陸行動》(1997),以及探討後殖民主義的《天下為公行動》(1997~2000),與「行動三部曲外一章」的《萬里長征行動之乾坤大挪移》(2002),2007年發表的《歷史幽魂》、《分列式》及《玉山飄浮》三件錄像,則以幽默手法對過去的威權統治進行顛覆。除此之外,他也透過攝影裝置手法,以「金碧山水」風格結合台灣民間充斥的怪力亂神現象,呈現台灣特有的一種虛假、疏離的「冷現實」,代表作品為《獸身供養》(2000)、《野蠻聖境》(2000)及《天堂變》(2001)系列;而另一個以銀箔結合攝影裝置的系列作品《死之慾》(2002)、《地獄頌》(2003),則試圖探討肉體與靈魂間的永恆議題。自2005年起整理過去十五年在台灣各處踏查所拍攝的廢墟照片,歸納了包括工業、神偶、建築及軍事廢墟四大部份,呈現台灣在全球化潮流與特殊歷史背後中,所隱藏著的龐大意識形態黑洞,延續「人類歷史的命運,具有某種無可救藥的荒謬性!」的創作主軸。2007年後開始繪製《忘德賦》(2007)、《世外塵》(2008~2012)、《如夢令》(2008~2011)、《恨纏綿》(2009) 及《甜蜜蜜》(2010~2012)...,改寫並挪用中國美術史經典畫作,再將其轉化成個人生活或真實故事,試圖將宏大史詩文本轉化為私微自傳敘事,以「偽山水」策略對所謂的正統性進行篡位。
2010年至2014年帶領一百五十餘位同學返鄉進行《海市蜃樓Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ-台灣公共閒置設施》拍攝計劃,以公民參與的方式提醒社會大眾並提供政府有關部門參考,出版品及展覽引起社會高度關注。著有《台灣裝置藝術1991-2001》(2002)、《台灣當代攝影新潮流Since 1999》(2003)、《台灣廢墟迷走》(2004)、《台灣行為藝術檔案1978~2004》(2005)、《流浪在前衛的國度》(2005)、《廢島》(2007)、《姚瑞中》(2008)、《人外人》(2008)、《幽暗微光》(2009)、《逛前衛》(2010,合著) 、《恨纏綿》(2010)、《海市蜃樓》(2010,編著)、《海市蜃樓Ⅱ》(2011,編著)、《萬歲山水》(2012)、《萬萬歲》(2013)、《海市蜃樓Ⅲ》(2013,編著)、《小幻影》(2013) 、《海市蜃樓Ⅳ》(2014,編著)等書。作品曾被台北市立美術館、高雄市立美術館、國立台灣美術館、澳洲昆士蘭美術館、美國康乃爾大學美術館、法國國家圖書館、首爾市立美術館以及許多國內外私人單位典藏。曾兼任於國立台北藝術大學、國立台灣科技大學、實踐大學,目前兼任於國立臺灣師範大學美術系。
Yao Jui-Chung was born in 1969. Lives and works in Taipei. He graduated from The National Institute of The Arts (Taipei National University of the Arts) with a degree in Art Theory. His works has been widely exhibited in numerous international exhibitions. In 1997, he represented Taiwan in “Facing Faces-Taiwan” at the Venice Biennale. After that, he took part in the International Triennale of Contemporary Art Yokohama (2005), APT6 (2009), Taipei biennial (2010), Shanghai Biennale(2012), Beijing Photo Biennale(2013), Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale(2014), Venice Architecture Biennale, Media City Seoul Biennale(2014) and Asia Triennial Manchester (2014). Yao is the winner of The Multitude Art Prize in 2013 and 2014 Asia pacific Art Prize. We can also find him widely involved in the fields of theatre and films.
Yao specializes in photography, installation and painting. The themes of his works are varied, but most importantly they all examine the absurdity of the human condition. Representative works include Action Series. We can find the clue he explores the question of Taiwan’s identity in Military take over (1994), subverts modern Chinese political myths in Recovering Mainland China (1997), and examines post-colonialism in The World is for All (1997~2000) as well as Long March-Shifting the Universe (2002). In recent years, he has created photo installations combining the style of “gold and green landscape” with the superstitions that permeate Taiwanese folklore, expressing a false and alienated “cold reality” that is specific to Taiwan. Representative works include the series of Celestial Barbarians (2000), Savage Paradise (2000) and Heaven (2001). Another photo installation series Libido of Death (2002) and Hill (2003) tries to probe into the eternal issue of body and soul. Recently, Yao Jui-Chung has assembled all the black-and-white photos of ruins he took in the past fifteen years, grouped under the themes of industry, religious idols, architecture and military bases. They reveal the enormous ideological black hole in Taiwan hidden behind the trends of globalization and Taiwan’s specific historical background as a continuation of the main theme of his work: the absurdity of the historical destiny of humanity. Since 2007, Yao has started to create a series of works including Wonderful (2007), Dust in the Wind (2008~2010), Dreamy (2008~2010), Romance (2009) and Honeymoon (2010~2011). He appropriates masterpieces from Chinese art history and recreates them in his own way, transforming them into his personal history or real stories in an attempt to turn grand narratives into the trivial affairs of his individual life. Yao intends to usurp so called orthodoxy with his recreated landscapes. In 2010, Yao grouped his students into a team of photography workshop called "Lost Society Document"(LSD). He encouraged them to photograph and survey in their hometowns. Through the way of field survey, they attempt to draw the outline of “mosquito houses” which have been widely criticized, publish three books named "Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan", and practice the possibility of observing the society by the meaning of art.
Apart from creating art, Yao Jui-Chung has curated exhibitions including The Realm of Illusion-The New wave of Taiwan Photography (2002), King-Kon Never Die -The Contemporary Performance & Video art in Taiwan (2003) and Spellbound Aura-The New Vision of Chinese Photography (2004). His essays have been published in many art journals. He has also published several books, including Installation Art in Taiwan since 1991-2001 (2002), The New Wave of Contemporary Taiwan Photography Since 1999 (2003), Roam The Ruins of Taiwan (2004), Performance Art in Taiwan 1978~2004 (2005),
A Walk in the Contemporary Art : Roaming the Rebellious Streets (2005), Ruined Islands (2007), Yao Jui-Chung (2008), Beyond humanity (2008), Nebulous light (2009), and Biennial-Hop (2010), "Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan ⅠⅡⅢⅣ(2010~2014). His works have been collected by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan; the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia; Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art Collection, Cornell University, USA; Bibliothèque National de France, Paris, France (French National Library, Paris); Art Museum of Seoul, and many other private collectors. Now, Yao Jui-Chung works as an artist and teacher at the National Taiwan Normal University Department of Fine Arts.
專長為攝影、裝置及繪畫,其作品涉獵層面廣泛,主要探討人類一種荒謬處境,其代表作品包括探討台灣主體性問題的《本土佔領行動》(1994)、顛覆中國近代史政治神話的《反攻大陸行動》(1997),以及探討後殖民主義的《天下為公行動》(1997~2000),與「行動三部曲外一章」的《萬里長征行動之乾坤大挪移》(2002),2007年發表的《歷史幽魂》、《分列式》及《玉山飄浮》三件錄像,則以幽默手法對過去的威權統治進行顛覆。除此之外,他也透過攝影裝置手法,以「金碧山水」風格結合台灣民間充斥的怪力亂神現象,呈現台灣特有的一種虛假、疏離的「冷現實」,代表作品為《獸身供養》(2000)、《野蠻聖境》(2000)及《天堂變》(2001)系列;而另一個以銀箔結合攝影裝置的系列作品《死之慾》(2002)、《地獄頌》(2003),則試圖探討肉體與靈魂間的永恆議題。自2005年起整理過去十五年在台灣各處踏查所拍攝的廢墟照片,歸納了包括工業、神偶、建築及軍事廢墟四大部份,呈現台灣在全球化潮流與特殊歷史背後中,所隱藏著的龐大意識形態黑洞,延續「人類歷史的命運,具有某種無可救藥的荒謬性!」的創作主軸。2007年後開始繪製《忘德賦》(2007)、《世外塵》(2008~2012)、《如夢令》(2008~2011)、《恨纏綿》(2009) 及《甜蜜蜜》(2010~2012)...,改寫並挪用中國美術史經典畫作,再將其轉化成個人生活或真實故事,試圖將宏大史詩文本轉化為私微自傳敘事,以「偽山水」策略對所謂的正統性進行篡位。
2010年至2014年帶領一百五十餘位同學返鄉進行《海市蜃樓Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ-台灣公共閒置設施》拍攝計劃,以公民參與的方式提醒社會大眾並提供政府有關部門參考,出版品及展覽引起社會高度關注。著有《台灣裝置藝術1991-2001》(2002)、《台灣當代攝影新潮流Since 1999》(2003)、《台灣廢墟迷走》(2004)、《台灣行為藝術檔案1978~2004》(2005)、《流浪在前衛的國度》(2005)、《廢島》(2007)、《姚瑞中》(2008)、《人外人》(2008)、《幽暗微光》(2009)、《逛前衛》(2010,合著) 、《恨纏綿》(2010)、《海市蜃樓》(2010,編著)、《海市蜃樓Ⅱ》(2011,編著)、《萬歲山水》(2012)、《萬萬歲》(2013)、《海市蜃樓Ⅲ》(2013,編著)、《小幻影》(2013) 、《海市蜃樓Ⅳ》(2014,編著)等書。作品曾被台北市立美術館、高雄市立美術館、國立台灣美術館、澳洲昆士蘭美術館、美國康乃爾大學美術館、法國國家圖書館、首爾市立美術館以及許多國內外私人單位典藏。曾兼任於國立台北藝術大學、國立台灣科技大學、實踐大學,目前兼任於國立臺灣師範大學美術系。
Yao Jui-Chung was born in 1969. Lives and works in Taipei. He graduated from The National Institute of The Arts (Taipei National University of the Arts) with a degree in Art Theory. His works has been widely exhibited in numerous international exhibitions. In 1997, he represented Taiwan in “Facing Faces-Taiwan” at the Venice Biennale. After that, he took part in the International Triennale of Contemporary Art Yokohama (2005), APT6 (2009), Taipei biennial (2010), Shanghai Biennale(2012), Beijing Photo Biennale(2013), Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale(2014), Venice Architecture Biennale, Media City Seoul Biennale(2014) and Asia Triennial Manchester (2014). Yao is the winner of The Multitude Art Prize in 2013 and 2014 Asia pacific Art Prize. We can also find him widely involved in the fields of theatre and films.
Yao specializes in photography, installation and painting. The themes of his works are varied, but most importantly they all examine the absurdity of the human condition. Representative works include Action Series. We can find the clue he explores the question of Taiwan’s identity in Military take over (1994), subverts modern Chinese political myths in Recovering Mainland China (1997), and examines post-colonialism in The World is for All (1997~2000) as well as Long March-Shifting the Universe (2002). In recent years, he has created photo installations combining the style of “gold and green landscape” with the superstitions that permeate Taiwanese folklore, expressing a false and alienated “cold reality” that is specific to Taiwan. Representative works include the series of Celestial Barbarians (2000), Savage Paradise (2000) and Heaven (2001). Another photo installation series Libido of Death (2002) and Hill (2003) tries to probe into the eternal issue of body and soul. Recently, Yao Jui-Chung has assembled all the black-and-white photos of ruins he took in the past fifteen years, grouped under the themes of industry, religious idols, architecture and military bases. They reveal the enormous ideological black hole in Taiwan hidden behind the trends of globalization and Taiwan’s specific historical background as a continuation of the main theme of his work: the absurdity of the historical destiny of humanity. Since 2007, Yao has started to create a series of works including Wonderful (2007), Dust in the Wind (2008~2010), Dreamy (2008~2010), Romance (2009) and Honeymoon (2010~2011). He appropriates masterpieces from Chinese art history and recreates them in his own way, transforming them into his personal history or real stories in an attempt to turn grand narratives into the trivial affairs of his individual life. Yao intends to usurp so called orthodoxy with his recreated landscapes. In 2010, Yao grouped his students into a team of photography workshop called "Lost Society Document"(LSD). He encouraged them to photograph and survey in their hometowns. Through the way of field survey, they attempt to draw the outline of “mosquito houses” which have been widely criticized, publish three books named "Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan", and practice the possibility of observing the society by the meaning of art.
Apart from creating art, Yao Jui-Chung has curated exhibitions including The Realm of Illusion-The New wave of Taiwan Photography (2002), King-Kon Never Die -The Contemporary Performance & Video art in Taiwan (2003) and Spellbound Aura-The New Vision of Chinese Photography (2004). His essays have been published in many art journals. He has also published several books, including Installation Art in Taiwan since 1991-2001 (2002), The New Wave of Contemporary Taiwan Photography Since 1999 (2003), Roam The Ruins of Taiwan (2004), Performance Art in Taiwan 1978~2004 (2005),
A Walk in the Contemporary Art : Roaming the Rebellious Streets (2005), Ruined Islands (2007), Yao Jui-Chung (2008), Beyond humanity (2008), Nebulous light (2009), and Biennial-Hop (2010), "Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan ⅠⅡⅢⅣ(2010~2014). His works have been collected by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan; the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia; Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art Collection, Cornell University, USA; Bibliothèque National de France, Paris, France (French National Library, Paris); Art Museum of Seoul, and many other private collectors. Now, Yao Jui-Chung works as an artist and teacher at the National Taiwan Normal University Department of Fine Arts.
個展選輯 2014 「從迷走到見證:姚瑞中前蚊子館影像紀事展」,威尼斯建築雙年展,義大 利 2014 「好時光」,耿畫廊,台北,台灣 2013 「萬萬歲」,耿畫廊,台北,台灣 「小幻影」,耿畫廊,台北,台灣 2012 「萬歲/山水」,耿畫廊,台北,台灣/ 北京,中國 2011 「甜蜜蜜」,MOT/ARTS,台北,台灣 「台灣清新」,葛豪士當代畫廊,倫敦,英國 2010 「如夢令」,葛豪士當代畫廊,倫敦,英國 「甜蜜蜜」,漢雅軒,香港,中國 2009 「恨纏綿」,加力畫廊,台南,台灣 2008 「歷史幽魂」新苑藝術,台北,台灣 2007 「忘德賦」,伊通公園,台北,台灣 「犬儒共和國」,非常廟藝文空間,台北,台灣 2006 「所有一切都將成為未來的廢墟」,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣 2005 「犬儒外史」,其玟畫廊,台北,台灣 2004 「萬里長征行動之乾坤大挪移」,伊通公園,台北,台灣 2003 「極樂天堂」,Aspex 畫廊,普茲茅斯,英國 2002 「死之慾」,李家昇攝影藝廊,多倫多,加拿大 2000 「野蠻聖境」,李家昇攝影藝廊,多倫多,加拿大 1998 「歷史測量系列」,MOMA Contemporary,福岡,日本 1997 「反攻大陸行動—預言篇&行動篇」,帝門藝術教育基金會,台北,台灣 1996 「反攻大陸行動—序篇&入伍篇」,伊通公園,台北,台灣 1994 「土地測量系列」,伊通公園,台北,台灣 聯展選輯 2016
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Selected Group Exhibitions 2015 2014