I am not a super hero
從故事走出來,再次走進故事裡 莎賓娜・費洛奇(Sabina Feroci)10周年個展 展期:2023/10/14 (六)- 2023/11/18 (六) 地點:加力畫廊 開幕茶會:2023/10/14 (六) 15:00 |
所以這也是為什麼十四年前在巴黎與莎賓娜相識後,一點一滴在人生旅途上所發現的神奇之處。我們在義大利中北部的工作室,討論那件作品是她的最愛,那件作品又如何進行了新的風格,這幾天十分幸運,托斯卡尼風光明媚而動人。我以東方的人生觀,向來自西方的莎賓娜解釋相由心生的概念。一切生命的映照,經由人類的自由意識,一筆一筆刻劃在面容之間,一絲不容錯失,沒有寬容。 |
The reason for upholding kindness is quite simply a matter of choice.
This kindness, a magical power, is what I unearthed on my life journey after meeting Sabina in Paris fourteen years ago. In our studio in central-northern Italy, we discussed her favorite piece and how it had assumed a fresh style. Those were fortunate days, as Tuscany revealed its enchanting beauty. With my oriental perspective, I explained to Feroci, who hails from the Western world, the concept that appearance reflects the heart. Every reflection of life, stroke by stroke, etched onto our countenances through consciousness, is depicted faultlessly and without tolerance. |