Extraordinary Wishes | The Call of Art and Languages
展期 | 2022/01/01 (六)-02/26(六) 週日週一休館
策展人 | 謝素貞
藝術家 | 蘇旺伸、李明則、周珠旺
線上座談會 | 1/15(六)3:00PM
展覽地點 | 台南市中西區友愛街315號
Exhibition Date | 2022/01/01 (Sat.) - 02/26(Sat.) Closed on Sunday and Monday
Curator | Hsieh Su Chen
Artists | Su Wong Shen, Lee Ming Tse and Chou Chu Wang
Online Seminar | 1/15 (Sat.)3:00 PM
Venue | No. 315, You'ai St., West Central Dist., Tainan City
Extraordinary Wishes | The Call of Art and Languages
展期 | 2022/01/01 (六)-02/26(六) 週日週一休館
策展人 | 謝素貞
藝術家 | 蘇旺伸、李明則、周珠旺
線上座談會 | 1/15(六)3:00PM
展覽地點 | 台南市中西區友愛街315號
Exhibition Date | 2022/01/01 (Sat.) - 02/26(Sat.) Closed on Sunday and Monday
Curator | Hsieh Su Chen
Artists | Su Wong Shen, Lee Ming Tse and Chou Chu Wang
Online Seminar | 1/15 (Sat.)3:00 PM
Venue | No. 315, You'ai St., West Central Dist., Tainan City
語文是個論述,文字與語言的鏈接是反映族群與社會的心理學;有時是政治的宣傳、遊行的口號、節日的標語、也是日常的祝福,這些都表現了人類對於字裏行間的期待及願望磁場的潛移默化。 多媒體儘管世道化,至今繪畫還是個巨大的精神及審美礦藏,無論藝術電子化如何發展,這門古老的技藝如同博物館珍稀的羊皮書,視覺的安全感及歷史塵埃早已滲入骨頭縫,靈魂承認繪畫是心手合一的通行證。 蘇旺伸(昵稱阿旺)、李明則(人稱阿財)、 周珠旺,三位藝術家是早已與天下人結了善緣;畫風雖各有其趣,而共同寄寓 --- 細膩悠遠的氣質、細筆錘煉的疊積、如同念珠的頌念,謙虛及純情是他們打動人心的不二法門。 “非常”不是小可,是照花前後鏡,“旺”是照映日新又新的情操,不僅僅關乎直覺上的財富,亦有奮發向上,激勵人心的領悟及世態;新世紀的又一年,山川草木展以非常旺的鮮潤之姿,打揖致賀,暗香浮動。 |
The naming of this exhibition began with a facetious conversation. The epidemic joined hands with the freedom and tossed humankind with a big prank in the early years of this century. We wish to take advantage of this fun creative exhibition that derived from the connection of words and art, to come join and ease with us.
Language is a discourse, and the link between words and language reflects the psychology of mass groups and society; whether it’s political propaganda, parade and festival slogans, or simply just a daily blessing. These all express the expectations of human beings between the lines and the imperceptibility of the desires. Although multimedia has been integrated into today's art, painting is still a huge spiritual and aesthetic mine. Regardless the thriving of multimedia art, this ancient technique is like a rare sheepskin book securely stored in a museum, in which it has long penetrated the sense of visual security and historical dust into our bones, unifying our body and soul with the painting. Su Wong Shen ( nickname A-Wong ), Lee Ming Tse ( nickname A-Tsai ) and Chou Chu Wang, the three artists have already formed a good karma with people across the world with their own unique style of painting. Although each of these three artists has their own unique style of painting, they share together --- the delicate and serene charisma, the sophisticated and accumulated skill, the poetic praise that was given, alongside with their modesty and their passion. “Extraordinary” isn't ordinary, it’s a reflections of thing from both aspect, neither absolute good nor absolute bad. "Wishes" reflects the sentiment of constant progress. It not only refers to intuitional wealth, but also aspirational, inspiring comprehension and state of the world. It is another year of this new century, the universe gracefully celebrates the extraordinary wishes with us. |