李小鏡個展- 馬戲團世界巡迴展最終站
「CIRCUS」World Tour Exhibition: Final Stop - Daniel Lee Solo Exhibition
李小鏡 / CIRCUS 2010 ~11
當大幕拉起時,表演者使出混身解術展現出動物的原始本能,動物則努力模仿着人類的動作。這就是馬戲團。在舞台上,人與動物角色互置,人類扮演着動物,動物更像人類;與此同時,觀眾返老還童都成了孩子。 整個世界就是一個舞臺, 所有男女不過是一些演員; 他們有下場的時候,也都有上場的時候 ; 而一個人在一生中都扮演過好幾種角色。 ~莎士比亞
Humans have shared the earth with other animals since the dawn of our existence. Over time we have become inter-dependent with many of our fellow creatures, sharing our lives, our labors, our play and our travels. The wonderful strangeness of the Circus reveals this symbiotic relationship at its most extreme, where animals perform like people; people perform like animals and audiences retreated into children. The curtain is up. Welcome to CIRCUS. All the world is a stage, And all men and women merely players: They all have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. ~Shakespeare
當大幕拉起時,表演者使出混身解術展現出動物的原始本能,動物則努力模仿着人類的動作。這就是馬戲團。在舞台上,人與動物角色互置,人類扮演着動物,動物更像人類;與此同時,觀眾返老還童都成了孩子。 整個世界就是一個舞臺, 所有男女不過是一些演員; 他們有下場的時候,也都有上場的時候 ; 而一個人在一生中都扮演過好幾種角色。 ~莎士比亞
Humans have shared the earth with other animals since the dawn of our existence. Over time we have become inter-dependent with many of our fellow creatures, sharing our lives, our labors, our play and our travels. The wonderful strangeness of the Circus reveals this symbiotic relationship at its most extreme, where animals perform like people; people perform like animals and audiences retreated into children. The curtain is up. Welcome to CIRCUS. All the world is a stage, And all men and women merely players: They all have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. ~Shakespeare
DATE|2013.12.22 (SAT.)~ 2014.01.25 (SAT.)
OPENING PARTY|2013.12.22 (SAT.) 15:00
OPENING PARTY|2013.12.22 (SAT.) 15:00