叢林- 李小鏡 個展
Jungle- Daniel Lee Solo Exhibition
當太陽西沉時, 卻喚醒了另類生命的狂野生活。
夜色中, 顯露出有虎視耽耽的肉食動物, 也有弱小無助的受害者等等。
《叢林》系列就是以當今都市生活中, 一些族群在沈迷於大都會叢林中, 所顯露出他們的野性。
《叢林》是我進一步, 將 2001年《夜生活》場景拉回到大都會叢林中,
進入到你我所熟知的環境之中, 直接面對燈火昏黃下所隱藏的騷動與不安。
- 李小鏡, 2007
當太陽西沉時, 卻喚醒了另類生命的狂野生活。
夜色中, 顯露出有虎視耽耽的肉食動物, 也有弱小無助的受害者等等。
《叢林》系列就是以當今都市生活中, 一些族群在沈迷於大都會叢林中, 所顯露出他們的野性。
《叢林》是我進一步, 將 2001年《夜生活》場景拉回到大都會叢林中,
進入到你我所熟知的環境之中, 直接面對燈火昏黃下所隱藏的騷動與不安。
- 李小鏡, 2007
The setting sun often awakens a new landscape of wild life activity, one that is
carefully watched by the eyes of predator, scavenger and prey...
My latest work "Jungle" is an extension from my previous work “Nightlife” series,
imaging contemporary portrayal of the intrinsic animal interactions between
people in a jungle-liked urban environment.
- Daniel Lee, 2007
The setting sun often awakens a new landscape of wild life activity, one that is
carefully watched by the eyes of predator, scavenger and prey...
My latest work "Jungle" is an extension from my previous work “Nightlife” series,
imaging contemporary portrayal of the intrinsic animal interactions between
people in a jungle-liked urban environment.
- Daniel Lee, 2007
DATE|2008.03.08 (SAT.)~ 2008.04.20 (SAT.)
OPENING PARTY|2008.03.08 (SAT.)15:00
OPENING PARTY|2008.03.08 (SAT.)15:00