當代藝術 |文化講堂| 畫作修復
Art Fair|參展藝博會
Tien-Chang Wu
1956/09/28 出生
2015 第56屆威尼斯雙年展台灣館 「別說再見(Never Say Goodbye)」,普里奇歐尼宮,威尼斯,義大利
2013「偽青春顯相館–吳天章個展」, 耿畫廊,台北
2011「變」 吳天章個展 One Piece Room關渡美術館
2010「shock.shot」2010吳天章個展 紐約soho photo gallery
2009「普天同慶」莊普. 吳天章雙個展北京藝術博覽會
2008「懾-相」2008吳天章個展 台北大趨勢畫廊
1997「台灣現代藝術序幕系列(2) 」MOMA畫廊.日本福岡
2015「蓬萊圖鑑-原鄉‧印記:郭振昌、盧明德、吳天章、鄭建昌、李明則」 大趨勢畫廊 台北
2014「Taiwan Platform - La salle aux images─藝術登陸新加坡博覽會2014」 TKG+ 濱海灣金沙展會中心 新加坡
2013 「斜面連結─典藏展實驗計畫」,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣
2013 「悍圖社」,加力畫廊,台南,台灣
2013 「悍圖入厝」,FreeS 福利社,台北,台灣
2013 重回「新展望」:北美館當代脈絡的開拓,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣
2013 「花花:世界 北美館典藏作品展」,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣
2013 「轉動藝台灣展」,首爾市立美術館,韓國
2013 「在地與他方的力量–臺灣當代藝術的感性座標與路徑」,屏東美術館,屏東
2012 「How can I tell you who I am?」,阿朵拉卡爾沃畫廊,薩拉曼卡,西班牙
2012 「後民國-沒人共和國」第10屆台新藝術獎入圍特展,當代藝術館,台北,台灣
2012 「國美無雙–館藏精品常設展Ⅱ」,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣
2012 「台灣當代•玩古喻今」,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣
2011 「魔幻亞洲 」,駐秘魯台北經濟文化辦事處,利馬,秘魯
2011 「後民國:沒人共合國」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣
2011 「保庇‧保庇─當下描述」,大趨勢畫廊,台北,台灣
2011 「2011台北國際藝術博覽會」,台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓,台北,台灣
2011 「台灣影─當代影像展」,大趨勢畫廊,台北,台灣
2010 「藝想ten開」,2010視盟藝術家博覽會,台中酒廠,台灣
2010 Art Taipei 2010 台北當代藝術博覽會 台北世貿館
2010「台北遊」展 MOT中泰畫廊
2010「雙盲臨床實驗展」 台北誠品畫廊
2009「叛離異象」(後台北畫派) 台北北美館
2008「悍圖印象」台北 印象畫廊當代館
2008「上海藝術博覽會國際當代藝術展」 中國上海
2008「2008 平遙國際攝影藝術節」 中國山西
2008「snake alley 聯展」 美國紐約文化中心
2007「2007 連洲國際攝影藝術節」 中國廣州
2007「男男自娛」悍圖社聯展 台北大未來畫廊
2007「Mou.i.kai/魔.藝.尬 - 悍圖 2007」台北關渡美術館
2007「X世代-國立台灣美術館數位藝術典藏展」 法國安亙湖市立藝術中心
2006「寶島漫波-台灣美術與社會脈動」展 高雄市立美術館
2005~2006「科光幻影音戲遊藝」展 台北鳳甲美術館 台中國美館 高雄市立美術館
2005「仙度那變奏曲」 台北當代藝術館
2005「MS 8+5 悍圖曼波」悍圖社聯展 台中國立台灣美術館
2005「關渡英雄誌-台灣現代美術大展」 台北關渡美術館
2004「平遙攝影國際藝術節」 中國山西
2004「平凡子民」當代攝影 香港
2004「CO4 媒体痙孿」 台北大趨勢藝術空間
2004「出神入畫 」台北當代藝術館
2003「複數 大未來」 大未來畫廊 臺北
2003「悍圖社─大家一起來金剛芭比摸」展 高雄駁二特區
2003「悍圖社─金剛芭比打狗轉馬達」展 高雄新濱碼頭
2003「亞太多媒体藝術未來形大展」 廣島市立現代美術館.廣島.日本
2003「幻影 天堂」中華當代攝影 布拉格魯道夫美術館 捷克
2002「幻影 天堂」台灣當代攝影 台北大趨勢藝術空間
2001「藝術遊牧與社會情愫」 悍圖社聯展 台北大趨勢藝術空間
2000「2000第三屆台北國際攝影節當代攝影大展」 台北 國父紀念館
2000「近距觀照」台灣當代藝術巡迴展 溫哥華 維多利亞市立美術館.加拿大
1999「捍‧悍‧鬥陣」悍圖社首次展 高雄 積禪 50藝術空間
1999「複數元的視野1988-1999」 高雄,山藝術基金會
1998「蛻變突破:華人新藝術展」 紐約亞洲協會美術館、舊金山現代美術館、墨西哥蒙特利當代美術館、西雅圖達可馬美術館、澳大利亞國立美術館、香港藝術館
1997「台灣.台灣:面.目.全.非」第47屆威尼斯雙年展台灣館 義大利威尼斯
1993「風雲際會—邁向巔峰」高雄 積禪50藝術空間
1987「中華民國現代繪畫新貌展」國立歷史博物館 台北
1984「第一屆中華民國現代繪畫新展望」 台北市立美術館
2009 第七屆台新藝術獎特別獎
1998 獲李仲生現代藝術創作獎
1994 獲台北市立美術館「1994現代美術雙年展」
1986 獲「現代繪畫新展望獎」台北巿立美術館
三木亞希子 (吳天章).(1998台北雙年展-慾望場域).1998,186-187頁.
張芳薇 (在恍惚中移轉的[中陰之旅],{末世祭:台灣當代圖像},1999,9-16頁.
黃海鳴 (台灣當代藝術:虛擬聯結.批判.歸復共時交識的三種現象).(台灣台灣-面目全非) 1997.19-23頁.
麥書非 (台灣製造).[亞太藝術雜誌]第三期,1996,82-86頁.
石瑞仁 (吳天章),[福岡亞太三年展],1999,102頁.
王鏡玲 「真正的吳天章, 就是吳天章?試窺吳天章的視覺意象」 現代美術 雙月刊 no.136 2008月份 p30~p51
1956 Born in Changhua, Taiwan
1980 B.F.A. Chinese Culture University
Solo Exhibitions
2015 “The 56th International Art Exhibition - WU Tien-chang: Never Say Goodbye”, Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy
2014 "Magical Limbo – Wu Tien Chang Solo Exhibition", Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 “Studio of Pseudo Photography–Wu Tien-Chang Solo Exhibition”, Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 “The In-Between Space”, Tina Keng Gallery, Beijing China, Taipei Taiwan,
2011 “One Piece Room- Tien-Chang Wu solo exhibition”, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
2010 「shock.shot」2010wutienchang solo exhibition New York .USA soho photo gallery
2009 「universal celebration」ZHUANG Pu. Wu tien chang twin solo exhibition Contemporary Art major exhibition, Peking,China
2008 “Wu Tien-Chang 2008 Solo Exhibition”, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
1997 “Tien-Chang Wu: The Introduction of Taiwan’s Contemporary Art Vol. 2”, MOMA Contemporary, Fukuoka, Japan
1997 “Tien-Chang Wu 1997”, Impression Art Gallery, Taipei
1990 “Four Eras”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1987 “Syndrome of Hurting”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Selected Group
2015 Main Trend Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 “Taiwan Platform - La salle aux images- Art Stage Singapore” , TKG+, Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center, Singapore
Intersecting Vectors
, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2013“Hantoo Art Group”, Inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan
2013“Toughened Hantoo Souls Sentimentally Settled Here After Their Dirft
, FreeS, Taipei, Taiwan
2013“Revisiting New Horizons”, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan
2013“Flora - the Dazzling World Permanent Collection of TFAM”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan
2013“Rolling! Visual Art in Taiwan”, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
2013“The Power(s) of Local and Elsewhere - the Sensible coordinates and Paths of Contemporary Art in Taiwan”,Pingtung Art Museum, Pingtung, Taiwan
2012 “How can I tell you who I am?”, Galería Adora Calvo, Salamanca, Spain
2012“People’s Republic of China: Republic without people, The 10th Taishin Arts Award Exhibition”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2012“Unique Vision II: Highlights from the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Collection”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2012“Time Games: Contemporary Appropriations of the Past”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan
2011 “Ficción Asiática”, Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei en el Peru, Lima, Peru
“People’s Republic of China: Republic without people”, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
“Bo-Bee, Bo-Bee:A Straightaway Depiction”, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
“Art Taipei 2011” , Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei
Tai-uan Iánn─Imaging Art Exhibition
” ,
Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
2010 Amazement and Astonishment Hantoo Art Group’s Adventure to the west, Chongqing Museum of Art, Sichuan,China
2008 “Snake Alley”, Taipei Cultural Center, New York, U.S.A
2007 “Post-Martial Law vs. Post-’89---The Contemporary Art in Taiwan and China”, SongZhuang Museum, Beijing
2007 “HanToo Art Group”, Lin & Keng Gallery, Taipei
2007 “Mou.i.kai---HanToo 2007”, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
2007 “Post-Martial Law vs. Post-’89---The Contemporary Art in Taiwan and China”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2007 “X-Generatoin”
2006 “Artistic Development and Social Transition in Taiwan II: FORMosa Mambo”, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung
2006 “Vision and Beyond”, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei; National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung; Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsuing
2005 “Variation Xanadu”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
2005 “MS 8+5 Handtoo Manbo---HanToo Art Group”, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2005 “Kuandu Hero Journal, Taiwan Modern Arts Exhibition”, Kuandu Museum, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei
2004 “China PingYao International Photography Festival”, Shanxi, China
2004 “Reality Spells – Exhibition of Chinese Conceptual Photography from 90’”, Central Library, Hong Kong
2004 “CO4 Display of Taiwan Advanced Papers ~Media Cramp”, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
2004 “Spellbound Aura: The New Vision of Chinese Photography”, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei
2003 “Future plurality”, Lin & Keng Gallery, Taipei
2003 “Play with King Kong & Bubby-Handtoo art Group”, Pier 2 Art District, Kaohsiung
2003 “King Kong & Bubby Start Motor in Kaohsiung-Handtoo art Group”, Sin Pin Pier - Absolutely Art Space, Kaohsiung
2003 “King Kong Touch Bubby-Handtoo art Group”, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei
2003 “King Kong & Bubby 13-Handtoo art Group Major Exhibition”, Stock 20, Taichung
2003 “Cyber Asia-media art in the near future”, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima, Japan
2003 “A Strange Heaven – Contemporary Chinese Photography”, Rudolfinum Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
2002 “Illusion of Paradise: New Trend of Taiwanese Photography”, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
2002 “Oeuvre of Contemporary Art in Taipei Part 1:Critical Reports”, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei
2001 “Art Nomadism and Society Sentiment-Handtoo art Group Major Exhibition, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei”, Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
2000 “The 3rd Taipei World Photography Exhibition”, National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
2000 “CLOSE-UP Contemporary Art From Taiwan Touring Exhibition”, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria B.C., Canada
1999 “1st Asia-Pacific Biennial Fukuoka”, Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
1999 “The Art Exhibition of Defense”, G Zen 50 Art Gallery, Kaohsiung
1999 “Visions of Pluralism-Contemporary Art in Taiwan 1988-1999”, Mountain Art Culture and Education Foundation, Kaohsiung
1999 “Asia Museum Premiere Exhibition”, Asia Museum of Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
1999 “Touring Exhibition-Visions of Pluralism: Contemporary Art in Taiwan, 1998-1999, China Art museum, Beijing, China
1998 “Site of Desire, 1998 Taipei Biennial”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1998 “Touring Exhibition - Inside Outside, New Chinese Art”, New York Asian Art Museum, New York; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
1997 “TAIWAN TAIWAN Facing FACES, The 47th International Art Exhibition of the Biennaledi Venezia”, Venice, Italy
1997 “In memory of 2.28”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1996 “2nd Asia-Pacific Triennial”, Queensland Art Gallery, Australia
1996 “1996 Biennial: The Quest for Identity of Taiwan Art”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1995 “Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition-Edinburgh Art Festival”, Edinburgh, U.K.
1995 “Asia-Pacific Contemporary Photography Exhibition”, Tokyo, Japan
1995 “Taiwan: Kunst Heute”, Ludwig Forum, Germany
1994 “Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1993 “Up to the Top- Taiwan Modern Art”, G Zen 50 Gallery, Kaohsiung
1992 “K-18 Mutual Acknowledgement Exhibition”, Kassel, Germany
1989 “The Art Exhibition by Taipei Painting Group”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1989 “Message From Taipei”, Hara Museum ARC, Tokyo, Japan
1988 “This Era and Creative”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1987 “Exhibition of Modern Painting's New Appearance in the R.O.C.”, National Museum of History, Taipei
1986 “Contemporary Art Trends in the Republic of China”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1986 “Style 22 Exhibition”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1984 “The 1st Contemporary Trends in Chinese Art”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
Awards and Honors
1998 Won Creation Award of Lee Chung-Shun Foundation
1994 Prize of Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art
1986 New Trend Prize of Contemporary Art Trends in Taiwan