SUGIURA YASUYOSHI "Natural History of Ceramic Arts" 展出時間:2024/11/30(Sat.)-2025/01/12(Sun.) 展出地點:加力畫廊、B.B. Art |
自然一直是創作中最深的啟發,土壤的柔軟、 風的流動, 以及花瓣隨光影變化的姿態。
Nature has always been the deepest source of inspiration in my creations. The softness of soil, the flow of wind,and the ever-changing forms of petals under shifting light and shadows--
these fleeting and delicate details reveal the transient yet powerful essence of life. For me, this is not only a tribute to nature and life, but also a transformation of elemental materials into symbols of energy and eternity. |
百花齊放 or Blooming in Full
The beauty of life’s diversity. This dual exhibition at InArt and B.B. Art celebrates a decade of shared efforts with these galleries and is dedicated to every visitor. May you find your own moment of blossoming in different times and spaces, and discover a personal sense of resonance and emotion within. |
百與花相連的詞語中,有兩個耐人尋味——「百花繚亂」與「百花齊放」。 「百花繚亂」描繪了眾多花卉爭奇鬥豔的景象。當我初次開始創作花卉時,我如繚亂般熱衷於製作更多的花,那是充滿樂趣的時光。花卉的細膩結構與神秘之美深深吸引了我。然而,僅止於此,我無法完全理解花的真諦。花的存在,並非孤立無援,它受外界的影響與相互作用,構成了其複雜的生命。我們觀賞花卉時,目光所及的不僅僅是花朵本身。 自然界中有一個詞「森羅萬象」,它提醒著我們,周遭的一切都在相互作用:光線、風、雨,無不與花卉交織。我們透過自然的光影欣賞花的形態,在風的輕拂下感受花的柔美,而雨露滴落葉片時,彷彿能讀出一種哀愁與深邃。透過這些經驗,我們從花中接收到無數的訊息。 這些訊息,正是承接於「百花齊放」這個詞的意義。「百花齊放」指的是思想與藝術的自由表達,超越框架,找到屬於自己的表現方式。不受拘束,傾注心靈的創作,這才是藝術最純粹的形式。 |